Torture Fotos

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To see more fotos of selfinjuries under hypnosis click here:

January 4, 2014  - In full hypnosis I have to inflict cuts almost daily - For the third time I had to cut me into this wound.

January 6, 2014  - For the 4th time I had to cut me in these two wounds.

January 7, 2014 - For the 5th time I had to cut in the same wound.

August 2013 - Now also widen my arm veins and stand out.

Symptom of advanced heart failure.

August 2013  - I have lost 7kg.

January 2013 - When I activate my will, my body gets very very hot, my face turns red.

Jugular vein emerges due to Heart Failure.

                                        Lips discolored bluish - cyanosis.

               January 2013 -  My palms are now permanently red - a symptom of liver cirrhosis.

                 Water in my legs and feets - Symptom of Heart Failure.

                 The tortuous vein below the ankle - a symptom of heart failure.

 Yellow skin since january 2011 - Symptom of liver cirrhosis.

At medical practitioners, they have to pull the needle with force into my vein when they take my blood.

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